The Moka Pot was brought into existence by two industrial-era designers out of Italy in 1933. Luigi di Ponti and Alfonso Bialetti combined their shared passion for espresso with that of art deco-inspired kitchenware and created a three-chamber pot that yielded great coffee by heating the device and pressurizing a puck of grinds. The Moka Pot method is also synonymous with cowboy coffee and is a variation on the espresso machine for those who do not require a commercial-size device in the home or office.
The ideal coffee for the Moka Pot method, therefore, are espresso beans that have yet to be ground. Whole espresso beans will maintain their signature profile for longer when left intact and sealed. Once opened, the beans should be used within two weeks, but may last longer if sealed in an airtight container away from sunlight as well as sources of potential oxidization. Once ready for consumption, however, it is best to aim for a grind setting that lands between the extremely fine as required of industrial espresso machines and the very coarse grind as is necessitated in the French press method.
What You’ll Need To Make Coffee In A Moka Pot
- Heating element such as a stovetop or cowboy campfire
- Moka Pot with three chambers
- Two filters without cuts, tears, or significant wear and tear
- Some type of coffee grinder (or pre-ground beans)
- Scales
- Timer
Step By Step Guide
- Fill the bottom chamber of the Moka Pot to the safety level (marked with a line)
- Grind espresso beans to be fine, but not as sand-like as required of an espresso machine; aim for the same amount (i.e., 15-16 grams) for each 2-oz shot
- Seat the middle chamber on top of the bottom chamber and add coffee ‘puck’
- Place final chamber on top
- Add heat and note that the water will need to boil to approximately 205-degrees Fahrenheit resulting in a pressurized steam that forces the water into the middle chamber and, subsequently, the espresso into the top chamber
- Be careful when removing the Moka Pot from the heating element
- Pour carefully and watch for the crema, which can be broken depending on taste preferences; serve shot
⸙ Master Barista Tip No. 1: the caffeine level of the Moka Pot shot will be higher than that of a commercial machine as the water that passes through the grinds is not as pressurized
⸙ Master Barista Tip No. 2: take care to ensure cleanliness of each chamber and to note the current status of the seals as the integrity of each fitting is the only means of guaranteeing safety in processing the shot
The Moka Pot is an ideal means of creating and serving espresso shots in one’s own, non-commercial kitchen. The device itself also has a lot of great history and is a classic-looking, and very appealing, piece of kitchenware that yields a highly caffeinated beverage at a low cost.